RIC Policy
One of the major achievements of ORIC in 2016 is the development of Research Innovation and Commercialization (RIC) Policy. The first draft of the policy was prepared back in 2015. After a series of deliberations and meetings with all stakeholders, endorsement by the Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Zia Ul-Qayyum and the Academic Council and approval by the Syndicate, the policy was notified in 2016. The policy is a comprehensive and a baseline document covering all aspects of the research and development, and commercialization. The policy entitles the university employees and researchers with rewards against publications, industrial projects and services to the industries and other institutions. As per approved RIC Policy 2016, various awards and incentives have been announced to be granted against research and development, innovation and commercialization. Salient award categories are the Best Teacher Award, the Best Young Researcher Awards and the Best Mentor Award.